Friday, June 3, 2016

As we entered the canyon, my partner sat to rest.  I just HAD to see just a little bit further.  I wandered ahead to the edge of the cliff and sat down to take in the beauty.  I turned my head and there he was.  You could only see him from that space, from that angle in that exact spot.  I began to wonder, as I have a million times before, if anyone had ever seen this before? Had anyone ever captured it on film?  Or, sat contemplating the wonders of it all.  Am I the first human being to ever lay eyes on his face?
What a beautiful world I live in!

So much is changing in my world.   My mom and my grandmother passed away just weeks apart.  Everything is a journey.  I am thankful for their lives and examples to me.  I hope that I can make them proud!